
ChitChat Bingo

ChitChat Bingo

Free Money: £1
Deposit Bonus: 100%
Maximum Deposit Bonus: £125

How To Get This Offer

In addition to the £1 that you can get free without making a deposit, ChitChat are also offering up to £125 completely free. ChitChat are willing to match you first deposit and reward it to you in bonus money. There is a 10x wagering requirement on all bonus money. This mean you must purchase ten times the bonus amount in tickets before withdrawing any winnings made with bonus money.

Note that people are only allow one account each and bonuses must be claimed within 30 days of being issues to them.

User Reviews
*  Posted by J HELLIWELL (11/16/2016)

From bluebox88 can you please unlock my account so that I can play, I have forgotten my password

*  Posted by Paulo (10/15/2015)

reinstalled the game and then tried this, it did not work, the funny thing is the game got futher than this berfoe, the game would go to start but then the screen would go black now that error message comes up, what is opengl subsystem anyway?

*  Posted by Paulo (10/15/2015)

reinstalled the game and then tried this, it did not work, the funny thing is the game got futher than this berfoe, the game would go to start but then the screen would go black now that error message comes up, what is opengl subsystem anyway?

*  Posted by Paulo (10/15/2015)

reinstalled the game and then tried this, it did not work, the funny thing is the game got futher than this berfoe, the game would go to start but then the screen would go black now that error message comes up, what is opengl subsystem anyway?

*  Posted by eleanor (3/29/2010)

played most if the bingo site i find chitchat more friendly than other site`s

*  Posted by |-cwilliams-| (5/17/2008)

Why only a pound :(

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